Celebrate Fiestas Patrias: Hands-On Activities for Kids

Old Town San Diego State Historic Park is gearing up to host an exciting celebration for Fiestas Patrias on September 14, 2024, where families and children can immerse themselves in traditional Mexican culture through hands-on activities. In addition to live entertainment, food, and historical reenactments, a variety of kids’ activities will allow young visitors to experience cultural crafts and traditions firsthand.

Cascarones: Colorful Confetti Eggs

A vibrant highlight for kids will be the chance to make cascarones—hollowed-out eggs filled with confetti. Children will get to decorate their own eggs with colorful dyes and patterns before filling them with confetti. The tradition, originating in Mexico, involves cracking the eggs over someone’s head, showering them with confetti as a symbol of good fortune and celebration. It’s a fun, engaging activity that encourages children to explore this playful custom while spreading joy.

Corn Husk Dolls: Honoring an Old Craft

Another hands-on activity that promises to be a hit is crafting corn husk dolls. These dolls, traditionally made from dried corn husks, have long been a part of Mexican and Native American culture. At Fiestas Patrias, kids will be taught how to make their own simple corn husk dolls to take home. This craft fosters creativity while also offering a glimpse into the history and importance of corn in early agricultural societies.

Calligraphy: Exploring Historic Mexican Script

For the artistically inclined, there will be a calligraphy station where kids can practice writing in historical Mexican script. Under the guidance of volunteers, they will have the opportunity to learn how to use old-fashioned quills and ink to create beautiful lettering. The activity not only teaches children about the beauty of traditional writing techniques but also offers a unique perspective on how communication has evolved over time.

Tortilla Making: A Taste of Tradition

What would a celebration of Mexican heritage be without food? Kids will also get the chance to try their hands at tortilla making, one of the cornerstones of Mexican cuisine. Instructors will guide them through the process of grinding the kernels, patting, and shaping the tortilla. This delicious activity will not only be fun but will also introduce children to the art of preparing traditional Mexican staples.

A Day of Fun and Learning

Fiestas Patrias in Old Town San Diego State Historic Park offers a wonderful opportunity for children to engage with Mexican traditions in a fun and educational setting. The event’s variety of activities—cascarones, corn husk dolls, calligraphy, and tortilla making—ensures that kids will leave with lasting memories and a greater appreciation for the rich cultural history of Mexico. With plenty of interactive fun for all ages, this year’s Fiestas Patrias promises to be a must-attend event for families in San Diego.

Mark your calendars for September 14, 2024, and come celebrate Fiestas Patrias with us!